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Avoid this | Prefer this | Why |
Real parent | Birthparent, biological parent (birthfather, birthmother, birthdad, birthmum) | Are there "imaginary" parents? Adoptive parents are just as real as biological parents. |
Natural parent | Birthparent; biological mother; woman who gave birth | Lack of a blood link does not make an adoptive parent less of a parent. |
Natural child | Birth child, biological child | Ditto. And are there "artificial" children? |
Your own child (vs. an adopted child) | Birth child, biological child | All your children are your own, adopted or not. Genetic relationships are not stronger than adoptive ones. |
Illegitimate | Born to unmarried parents | Circumstances of birth should not stigmatize a child. |
Unwed mother | Birthmother, birthmum | "Unwed" or "unmarried" is a moral judgment. |
Give up, give away, surrender, relinquish, adopt out, put up for adoption | Place for adoption, or (better) choose adoption, make an adoption plan | Birthmothers love their children but can't raise them. They choose what is best for their child and stay in touch with them after the adoption ("open adoption"). |
Keep the baby | Parent the baby | "She decided to parent the baby rather than choose adoption." |
Foreign adoption | International, intercountry adoption | Some say "foreign" has negative connotations. |
Hard-to-place child | Special needs child | Less damaging to the child's self-esteem. |
Adopt-a-road, adopt-a-park, etc. | Sponsor-a-park, befriend-a-park | "Adopt-a-" programs misuse "adopt" as a marketing ploy to raise money. They deform the meaning of adoption and diminish its worth. |
It would be wise to assume you do have adopted children in your class and to prepare for adoption questions when they arise.
Here are some ways to include adoption in everyday teaching situations.
When you talk about babies and families, use the words adoption or adopted occasionally. Read stories which mention adoption. According to the interests of the children, you might start a role-play game about going to the airport to meet a brother or sister adopted from abroad, or preparing the house for the arrival of an adopted child.
Early elementary
In discussing types of families, don't forget non-traditional families (see
Module 1, Many Ways to Make a Family), including adoptive families. If a student has a baby born into his family, mention that some children join their families through adoption. This may prompt a child to say, "I was adopted" and you can extend the discussion. Note that a child's adoption story is her personal story, for her to tell, or not, as she wishes.
Watch the language you use. There is no such thing as a "natural" mother (or an "unnatural" one!). You should say birth mother (or birth mum) and adoptive mother (see Module 4, Teaching the Language of Adoption).
If a student's family are adopting a child, it's a prime opportunity to talk about the process and the happiness involved in the child's arrival.
Another opportunity is November, National Adoption Month. Display artwork from a family tree project. Consider discussing adoption, reading an adoption story or inviting an adopted adult or adoptive parent to visit the class. Children at this age may feel comfortable sharing their adoption story with their parent present.
You will have to judge, if possible, how receptive the class might be to a child's adoption story. Guard against the child becoming the object of teasing and handle it as you would any teasing.
A variety of books for reading to the class are available (see Module 9, Adoption Resources). Some make adoption the main theme; others treat it simply in passing.
Later elementary
During these years, and in secondary school, students want to fit in, to be like everyone else. Adopted children are aware they are in the minority, that most kids are brought up by the parents who gave birth to them. They are unlikely to want to give adoption presentations or be singled out.
The family tree assignment (see Module 3, Biased Class Assignments) could offer the adopted child a chance to deepen her understanding of the place of adoption in her life.
With input from the FAIR Manual, Vol. 1
Are you counselling students in high school? Or perhaps making a presentation covering pregnancy options?
For teenagers in secondary school new and sensitive issues rear their heads. A student who finds herself pregnant faces a tough decision on which way to go -- abortion, adoption, parenting -- and a lack of good information.
So get ready for questions about adoption. Below are some questions you may get, with suggested answers.
This is condensed from "Are You Thinking of Adoption for Your Child?",, by the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services. The ministry takes the point of view of the t student in explaining how domestic adoption works. For the ministries which handle adoption in other provinces, see Adoption Resource Central - Domestic Public Adoption,
Where can I get advice ?
It's your baby, and it's up to you to choose your baby's future. To help you decide, there are people you can talk to.
If you're thinking of adoption, talk it over with a social worker. You can find one at a Children's Aid (they're in the phone book, and at or you can call a private social worker. Their advice is free. If you decide for adoption, you can do it through a public agency (the Children's Aid) or a private agency.
Whatever you decide -- abortion; keep the baby; adoption, through either a public or a private agency -- your wishes will be respected.
What about a private agency?
Instead of using the Children's Aid, which is a public agency, you can choose a private adoption agency. They are licensed by the provincial ministry and any adoption they arrange must be approved by the ministry. To talk over this option with a private worker, call the ministry at 416-327-4742 for the names of agencies near you. There's no charge for their advice or for arranging a private adoption.
How does a baby get adopted?
There are two ways a baby gets adopted in Ontario:
-- You agree to the adoption, by signing a consent form any time after the baby is seven days old. If the baby's father is living with you, or has declared he is the father and has helped support you -- he should sign too.
After signing, you have 21 days to change your mind (and some people do). You can decide to keep the baby after all, by cancelling your consent (in writing). If the adoptive parents already have the baby, they must return her to you.
You'll want good legal advice before signing the consent to adoption, and the worker arranging the adoption must give you the chance for this. You must sign this form in front of a lawyer who has given you advice. If you're under 18 the Office of the Children's Lawyer must have one of their staff explain your rights so you understand what you are signing. The Children's Aid or private adoption person will make an appointment for you with that office.
-- The second way is through Crown wardship. You explain the facts to a family court judge, and the judge decides what is best for the baby. If the judge makes the baby a Crown ward, then she is eligible to be adopted. The Children's Aid Society (CAS) has the job of planning for the baby, and the CAS worker will explain how Crown wardship works. Sometimes the judge makes the baby a Society ward, who can't be adopted because you keep your parental rights. Then you can visit your baby in a foster home, and take the time to make a permanent plan for her.
What's a homestudy?
To make sure your baby will have a good home, a social worker visits the proposed parents and does a "homestudy" -- she interviews them to assess their strengths and skills in parenting, their health and their emotional and financial stability. The social worker must send the homestudy to the ministry for approval.
You will need to give a "medical and social history" -- your health, way of life and family background. This will tell your child something about her background and why you planned adoption. Adopted children need to have their questions about their birth answered as they grow up. It will mean a lot to your child in later years to read your own thoughts, and maybe see some photos. It would be helpful too if some information about the baby's father were on file.
The medical history also tells the adoptive parents about possible health problems your baby may have inherited from you. Your history is given to the adoptive parents, without names, to pass on to your child when she is older. Your child can also consult the copy kept at the ministry.
By the way, a disability doesn't stop a child from being adopted. Many parents have adopted children with various disabilities, and have provided them with loving, happy homes.
Can I choose the family for my child?
Yes. Whether it's a public or a private adoption, you can discuss with the person handling the adoption the kind of family you would like for your child. You choose the adoptive parents from a selection of profiles -- these profiles contain no identifying information. You and the adoptive family will not know each other's name and address unless you both agree in writing to exchange this information, and many do.
The tendency nowadays is for adoptions to be much more "open" than before -- the birthmother and the adoptive family get to know each other and keep in touch to the extent that suits them. They may exchange cards, letters and pictures, or make phone calls, or visit each other. You will want to talk to your social worker right from the start about how open an arrangement you want to have.
What you can't do is just give your baby to a family you like (unless they are your relatives, like aunts, uncles or grandparents). Legally, only a children's aid society or a licensed private agency or person can place a child for adoption. It's also against the law for you to be paid for placing your child.
Does adoption mean I'll never see my child again?
In Ontario a child 18 or over can register with the ministry's Adoption Disclosure Register. You can also register after your child is 18, and so can the birth father. If you and the child are both registered, you will be able to meet, after you have had counselling. Adoptive families are told that their adopted children might look for their birth family when they are old enough.
A curriculum including sex education and pregnancy options (abortion, parenting, adoption) offers an opportunity to explain the adoption option. Here is a suggested outline for a presentation to high school students.
2. The words we use. Adoption is another way to build a family; it has its own language. You become a "birthmother". Appropriate language to use for non-traditional families.
3. How adoption works. Adoptions are regulated by the provinces. The process: a legal procedure under provincial law. Public adoption agencies. Private adoption agencies. Which is right for you: public or private adoption?
4. The people who adopt. Why people adopt; infertility. Why they can't find infants. Will they be good parents? How adoptive families are approved; homestudy.
5. Your first step. Getting advice. Contacting an agency. Counselling you should expect.
7. Legal things. What are your rights? Birthfather's rights? What if you are under 16?
7. Choosing the family to adopt your baby. You have at least three families to choose from. How to choose.
8. Do you want confidentiality, or do you want to keep in touch with your baby after adoption (closed or open adoption)? What kind of ongoing contact is right for you?
9. Living with your decision. What do you tell friends and family? Where can you go for support? Long-term consequences of placing for adoption. How will your child deal with questions about origins?
It's the law in Michigan, as of June 2004, that schools offering sex education classes, in addition to teaching abstinence from sex, must also teach adoption as an option for unintended pregnancies. Sex-ed classes must discuss the benefit of abstaining from sex until marriage as an effective way to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Courses must advise students of the laws regarding their responsibility as parents to children born in and out of wedlock, and tell them about adoption services.
Sex education is optional in Michigan, but school districts choosing to teach it must:
For more, see Michigan Dept. of Education, "HIV/STD and Sexuality Education",,1607,7-140-28753_29233_29803---,00.html.
The Hillsdale [MI] Daily News reported Aug. 28, 2006 that Camden-Frontier Schools will teach sex ed to middle school and high school students. The school district used student and parent focus groups and surveys to determine what policies to teach. "Our parents thought it was important that we teach the students here that they should abstain from sex," said principal Reed Kimball. The class will also teach students that adoption is a viable alternative to abortion in the case of an unwanted pregnancy, and the way to get involved in the adoption process in Michigan. Students who opt out of the class will have an alternative health program during the sex ed portion of the class.
How to introduce adoption in elementary school
As an elementary school teacher, you nurture your students' growth. Bringing adoption into the classroom and treating it as one of many possible life experiences will benefit both adopted children and their classmates.
Answers for the pregnant student
A suggested classroom presentation
Many adoption organizations and parents, and some teachers, are preparing classroom presentations on adoption. Some are aimed at elementary school, to present adoption in a positive light, as another way to build a family. Some focus on high school to present adoption as an option for pregnant teenagers.
1. Making a choice. Every child needs to be cared for, to have a family. Deciding to parent or to adopt. Is adoption right for your baby? Only you can decide. Good reasons for considering adoption. Where to go for support in making your decision. Resources.
* Notify parents of the course content and of their right to excuse their child from the class without penalty.
* Have a sex education advisory board, composed of parents, students, teachers and community members, to review the sex education curriculum.
* Get approval in advance of curriculum, materials and methods, from two public hearings and the school board.
1981 | 1989 | |
Chose abortion | 33,577 (49%) | 29,246 (38%) |
Chose to raise child | 31,657 (46%) | 46,234 (60%) |
Chose adoption | 3,521 (5%) | 1,730 (2%) |
Total | 68,755 (100%) | 77,210 (100%) |
Who are the 2% who chose adoption? Typically they are: single; 15 to 19; caucasian; Protestant (46%) or Catholic (29%); not in school (43%) or in senior high (32%); and living with their parents. They say the main reason for placing the child for adoption is that they are too young or haven't enough money to raise the child. The birthfather is not in the picture: only 10% of the adoption facilitators interviewed said the birthfather was involved in the decision.
The Daly/Sobol study recommended enhanced public education about adoption as a pregnancy resolution alternative.
Teaching the choices
In September 1996 I asked Michael Sobol if he had any comments on the teacher's guide to adoption I was preparing.
I think his comments then are still relevant today. His reply touched on involving the birthparent, on private agencies and on why teens don't choose adoption:
"One issue that does come to mind is that of the various options that fall under the guise of an open adoption. It is not simply a matter of whether the birth parent meets the applicants. Other important choices are available such as continuing contact either directly or through an intermediary, exchange of identifying information, etc. All of these factors contribute to a sense of personal agency in the placement. There is also some evidence that the more involved the birth parent is in the placement and the ongoing life of the child, the more positive is her response to the placement decision. Some of these issues are addressed in a paper that Kerry and I wrote for the Journal of Social Issues in 1993.
"A second point is that birth parents ought to be aware that they have several sources to use to facilitate an adoption. Most think only of Children's Aid. Few are aware of the more liberal practices followed by private facilitators. The fact that more birth moms place through private facilitators, in spite of the lack of publicity about this option, provides some support for the conclusion that a larger proportion of pregnancies are carried through to placement using private than public facilitators.
"Finally, in planning a curriculum about adoption, it is important to note that, contrary to the common understanding, we found that teens were not opposed to adoption as a response to an unplanned pregnancy. In fact, most viewed it quite positively. The reasons they did not use it as an option for resolving the situation were primarily twofold. First, they had no idea how to go about bringing about an adoption -- abortion and especially parenting were much more evident. Second, they needed social support for the decision, especially from parents and partner. Without this support they were much more willing to choose one of the other options."
Adoption resources for teachers and students
Key web sites about adoption
Adoption Agencies,
Adoption Council of Canada,
Adoption Council of Ontario,
Adoption Resource Central,
Adoption Support Centre of Saskatchewan,
Adoption Support Groups,
Adoptive Families Assn. of B.C.,
Canada's Waiting Kids,
Family Helper,
International Adoption Families Assn.,
Québec Adoption,
Society of Special Needs Adoptive Parents,
Adult Adoption Books, Book lists for many topics. Adoptive Families Assn. of B.C.
Children's Disability and Special Needs Books, Book lists. Comeunity.
Child Welfare Information Gateway Library, Search by keyword, title, subject, author and year to get full-text electronic versions and abstracts of over 48,000 publications on child welfare and adoption. Child Welfare Information Gateway, Washington DC.
Suggested Reading List, Adoption Council of Canada.
Adoption Council of Ontario, 3216 Yonge St., 2nd floor, Toronto M4N 2L2, 416-482-0021,, Adoption Roundup
Adoption Support Centre of Saskatchewan, 305 - 506 25th St. E., Saskatoon S7K 4A7, 1-866-869-2727, 306-665-7272,, Adoption News
Adoptive Families Assn. of British Columbia, #200 - 7342 Winston St., Burnaby BC, V5A 2G1, 604-320-7330,, Focus on Adoption
Adoptive Parents' Assn. of Nova Scotia, Box 2511, Stn. M, Halifax, N.S. B3J 3N5, 902-422-2087,,
Families with Children from China Toronto, Box 808, Stn. F, Toronto M4Y 2N7, 905-453-8077,, Families with Children from China Toronto
Family Helper, Box 1203, Southampton ON N0H 2L0,, Family Helper
International Adoption Families Assn., #1016, 246 Stewart Green S.W., Calgary T3H 3C8, 403-270-2474,, IAFA Newsletter
International Adoptive Families of New Brunswick, John McAdam, 20 Sloat St., Fredericton E3C 1M4, 506-453-1866,
Learning Disabilities Assn. of Canada, 323 Chapel St., Ottawa, Ont. K1N 7Z2, 613-238-5721,, Branches across the country.
Society of Special Needs Adoptive Parents, 101 - 2780 East Broadway, Vancouver V5M 1Y8. 604-687-3114, toll-free (in BC) 1-800-663-7627,, Family Groundwork
For more Canadian adoption research, see "Adoption Council of Canada - Research",
Adoption. The legal transfer of parental rights and obligations from birth parent(s) to adoptive parent(s). The adoptive parents become the legal parents of the child. It's a permanent, legally-binding arrangement by which a child or teenager becomes a member of a new family. Adoption falls under provincial or territorial jurisdiction.
Adoptive parent. A person who legally assumes the rights and obligations of parenting an adopted child. The adoptive parent becomes the permanent parent through adoption, with all the social and legal rights and responsibilities of any parent.
Birth mother. The birth (or biological) mother is the woman giving birth to a child who is subsequently placed for adoption. The birth family is composed of those sharing a child's genetic heritage.
Children's aid society (CAS). In Ontario, one of 52 public child welfare agencies funded by government and responsible for protecting Ontario children, finding foster homes, and finding permanent families for children in its care who are available for adoption.
Domestic adoption. Adoption of a child living in the same country as the adoptive parent(s).
Foster care. Temporary parental care by non-relatives, usually formalized through a public child welfare agency. The agency takes legal custody of children who are unable to live at home because their parents were deemed abusive, neglectful or otherwise unable to care for them. The agency screens, trains, licenses and pays foster parents who will provide a caring temporary home. The agency usually aims to reunify the child with her family, but otherwise will consider adoption for her.
Guardianship. A guardian is a person legally responsible for a child. In kinship care, guardianship may serve as an alternative to adoption, when the child's relative assumes a parental role but prefers not to adopt.
Identifying information. Information which reveals a person's identity, such as last name, address, phone number and detailed family history. When families are recruited for a child available for adoption, identifying information about the child is typically kept private. Families initially get non-identifying information of a general nature which does not reveal identity, such as physical descriptions and medical history.
International (intercountry) adoption. Adoption of a child living in a different country from the adoptive parent(s).
Kinship adoption. Adoption of a child by a grandparent, aunt, uncle, other member of the extended family, godparent or someone considered kin.
Licensee. A person or agency to whom the provincial adoption ministry has granted a licence to place children for adoption in the province.
Openness in adoption. Birth parents and adoptive parents often agree to have an open adoption, with ongoing contact between their families. They agree on how much contact, perhaps exchanging letters and photos, either directly or through an agency, or scheduling phone calls and visits. Practitioner, approved adoption. In Ontario, a professional, usually a social worker, with experience in adoption or child welfare, whom the provincial ministry responsible for adoption has approved to conduct home studies and supervise placements in prospective adoptive homes.
Private adoption. An adoption arranged by a privately-funded, licensed agency or licensee. Private agencies charge fees for their services. Private adoptions are regulated by the provincial ministry responsible for adoptions. Ministries license individuals and agencies to place children privately, approve the social workers to conduct home studies and monitor the performance of licensees and social workers.
Probation period. The time between placing a child in an adoptive home and finalization, when the adoption is legalized in court. It varies by province but is at least six months. During the probation (or probationary) period, the licensee visits the adoptive home to see if the child is adjusting well and to give advice and support.
Public adoption. An adoption arranged through a provincial ministry or agency funded by government, e.g. Children's Aid Society. Public agencies usually provide services at no cost and are responsible for placing with adoptive families those waiting children who are in their care.
Special needs. Conditions in a child which are particularly challenging to adoptive parents, such as physical, emotional and behavioural disorders, and a history of abuse or neglect. Common disorders and disabilities include attachment disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, developmental disabilities, fetal alcohol syndrome, learning disabilities and oppositional defiant disorder.
Waiting children. Children who are waiting to be adopted, that is, children who are legally free for adoption. They are in the care of the public child welfare system, cannot return to their birth homes and need permanent families. (Waiting parents are those seeking to adopt.) According to the May 2002 "Report Card on Adoption" by the Adoption Council of Canada, there are over 66,000 Canadian children in foster care. About 22,000 are permanent wards of the provincial governments and await adoption.
Send comments to: Box 1203, Southampton, Ont. N0H 2L0, e-mail: Don't miss our web site:
Copyright 2012 Robin R. Hilborn
The ten-module second edition of "Teacher's Guide to Adoption" by Robin Hilborn has been published online since Jan. 5, 2005, at (Occasional updates have been made since then.) It was also published in print in Family Helper No. 45, "Adoption Goes to School", 2004,
The contents list of the second edition was featured at the home page of "Adoption", at About.Com, Feb. 9-28, 2005. See Adoption Blog Archives,
The first edition had eight modules and was published in English as "Adoption Helper's Teacher's Guide to Adoption". It appeared in print in Adoption Helper No. 22, Oct. 1996, and online at Family Helper web site from May 16, 1998 to Jan. 5, 2005, at
Versions of the first edition are archived at the Internet Archive,*/
Part of the first edition is published in English at this location:
The first edition also appears in these languages, in abbreviated form (four modules):
Guide sur l'adoption à l'intention des enseignants, Posted Apr. 16, 2006. [thanks to Gilles Breton]
Guida per l'insegnante all'adozione, Posted Oct. 1, 2003. [thanks to Daniela, Kiara and Stefy of Kantutita Group]
Guía sobre la Adopción dirigida a educadores, Posted Apr. 16, 2006. [thanks to Beatriz San Román,]
Daly, Kerry J. and Michael P. Sobol [Grand]. Adoption in Canada: Final Report. Guelph, Ont.: National Adoption Study, May 1993. University of Guelph, Guelph N1G 2W1, 519-824-4120 ext. 8599. Final Report 167 p., Final Report Summary 20 p., Executive Summary 5 p. The definitive study of adoption in Canada. Summary at Family Helper,
Glossary: the ABCs of adoption
* In an open adoption, the families exchange names and addresses, and have a full and ongoing relationship.
* In a semi-open adoption, the families exchange non-identifying information, such as messages and photos, through an intermediary. They don't know each other's last names or addresses.
* In a closed adoption, confidentiality is the rule. The families do not share identifying information and have no contact. The adoptive family usually receives non-identifying information about the child and the birth family before placement in the home. After finalization, records are sealed and unavailable to the adoptee. The legacy of closed adoptions, which were common in the past, is that adoptees and birth parents are unable to locate each other later in life, to exchange medical information or to renew connections.
Adapted from the ACC Adoption Glossary,
"Teacher's Guide to Adoption" is a resource document prepared by the publisher of Family Helper magazine, Robin Hilborn, to promote the teaching of adoption in schools.
Robin Hilborn is author of Family Helper,, and content specialist for the Adoption Council of Canada,
RainbowKids - A Teacher's Guide to Adoption, [N.B.: module titles are missing; fourth module is truncated]
The French version is also available at:
The Italian version is also available at:
Heart of Adoption
Articles to inform and inspire
Adoption Resource Central
Family Tree
Contact: Robin Hilborn,
Box 1203, Southampton, Ont. N0H 2L0 Canada Copyright 2012 Robin R. Hilborn
Posted Jan. 5, 2005
Updated Jan. 23, 2009
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