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UNITED STATES To find a support group in the U.S., see the directories at "Adoption support groups" in Collecting Information. CANADA The Canadian adoption support groups listed below offer help if you want to adopt, and support after you adopt. The list is in order of postal code, so you can find a group near you. I've given detailed descriptions of some of the larger support groups. I have a separate list of support groups for those seeking birthparents and adult adoptees. What great event is your support group planning? Seminars? Picnics? Culture camps? Find out at Coming Events. In case you were wondering why you should join a support group, there are lots of good reasons. I'll list your support group for free: email NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR A1A 2Y9. NLFAM - Newfoundland and Labrador Families Adopting Multiculturally. Lynn M. Haire, 27 Parliament St., St. John's. 709-579-2272, Support group promoting multicultural adoption. Information exchange for Newfoundland and Labrador families with children adopted internationally or from other cultures within Canada and the U.S. Lynn adopted from Romania and was a facilitator for Partners in InterCountry Adoption of Toronto. Discussion group of 134 members at --Mar. 2, 2008 NOVA SCOTIA B3H 2A4. Home of the Guardian Angel, 6345 Coburg Rd., Halifax. 902-422-7964. Paula Wickenden, Coordinator of Adoption and Counselling Services. Only private community-based agency in Halifax approved by N.S. Community Services to provide adoption services such as pregnancy counseling, education sessions, child placement, and post-placement services to birth and adoptive parents and adoptees. B3J 2T7. Post Adoption Support Services, Lynnette Douglas, Social Worker, Dept. of Community Services, Nelson Place, Halifax, 902-424-7900, --June 23, 2009 Adoptive Parents' Association of Nova ScotiaAPANS, Box 2511, Stn. M, Halifax, N.S. B3J 3N5, 902-422-2087, web site was at Rose Marie Smith, and Catherine Clute, Webmaster: Alex Barnes, From its beginning in about 1985 as a group of five couples APANS has grown to a membership of over 150 families. Throughout, its focus has been providing support and encouragement as well as accurate up-to-date information on the changing adoption scene. Members serve on a variety of government and community committees. APANS has two support groups which meet regularly. Parents of adopted children with special needs meet monthly to offer encouragement and advice. With fewer resources available to parents after adoptions are finalized, this group meets a very real need. The second group, for parents who have adopted internationally, holds social gatherings to welcome new arrivals and to ensure the children have a chance to build friendships with other children adopted from the same country. In 2000 APANS hopes to focus on the delivery of adoption services in the province, especially agency adoptions. The association hopes to advocate for changes in the delivery of services to adoptive parents and those who wish to form their families by adoption. Occasional newsletter. --August 2002 B3M 2C6. Post Adoption Special Needs Support Group of Nova Scotia. Rose Marie Smith, 41 Edward Laurie Dr., Halifax, 902-445-4357, Monthly meetings for all touched by adoption, especially those adopting children with special needs. Families with Children from China (Nova Scotia)FCCNS, Judy Little, 900 Herring Cove Road, Halifax, N.S. B3R 1Z8, 902-479-2442, the growing numbers of families adopting from China in Nova Scotia, adoptive parents started Families with Children from China (Nova Scotia). FCCNS celebrates three Chinese holidays together including New Years, Moon Festival and Dragon Boat Festival, with nearly 100 families sharing the fun. A team of 20 parents and children participate in the annual Dragon Boat races. Mandarin classes for parent and child are offered Saturday mornings 10-11:30 during the school year. Plans for fall 2000 are to have a playgroup at the same time. --June 26, 2000 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND C0B 1V0. West Prince Adoption Awareness and Support Group, Box 461, O'Leary, P.E.I. Bruce Smallman, 902-859-3490. NEW BRUNSWICK E1J 1K2. Sandra Perkison, 17 Marcombe St., Lower Coverdale, N.B. 506-387-7379, New Brunswick resource person. She is formerly of Moncton Adoptive Parents Association, MAPA, which has ceased operating. --20 June 2000 Saint John Adoptive Parents AssociationJenn Gerrits, Saint John E2x xxx,, 506-659-2499. For pre- and post-adoption support; domestic/international adoption. Meeting the second Tuesday of the month (exc. July/Aug.), at 7 pm, Grace Presbyterian Church, 101 Coburg St., Saint John. --Feb. 7, 2009International Adoptive Families of New BrunswickJohn McAdam, 20 Sloat St., Fredericton E3C 1M4, 506-453-1866, Support network started in 1996. Information, moral support and advice for New Brunswick families interested in international or transracial adoptions. Formerly published a newsletter. --Mar. 30, 2006E3x xxx. Parent Chat. Susann McFadzen, Fredericton, 506-457-1866 or 506-461-2332, An informal, welcoming support group for parents of adopted children at any stage of the process. Meeting once a month, for pre- and post-adopt families. Children's Bridge. --Jan. 26, 2007 Exx xxx. Adoptive Moms Support Group. Moncton. Jennifer O'Leary, 506-853-7268, Children's Bridge. Third Thursdays of the month, an informal, drop-in support group for moms of adopted children, and moms-to-be. 7-9 pm. --Jan. 26, 2007 QUÉBEC G0L 2J0. Regroupement de Parents Enfants d'Ailleurs, famille d'ici du K.R.T.B., MRC de Kamouraska, Rivière-du-Loup, Témiscouata, Les Basques, C.P. 417, Saint-Antonin. Martin Desrosiers, --Feb. 14, 2007 G5N 1H7. Regroupement de parents d'adoption internationale de l'Est du Québec, 201, rue d'Alsace, Rimouski. Nicole Ouellet, --Feb. 14, 2007 G7P 2B6. Association des parents en adoption internationale du Saguenay-lac-St-Jean (APAISJ), 842 des Aulnaies, St-Ambroise. 418-672-1109. Was at Caroline Renaud, présidente; Monica St-Pierre, secrétaire. Newsletter: Echos-Adoption. --Group defunct: Gilles Breton, Nov. 24, 2005 G9A 5L2. Association des parents d'enfants du monde (APEM), C.P. 1432, Trois-Rivières. 819-379-7604, fax 819-378-1354, email Was at Josee Briand, Louise Tousignant, Présidente. Founded in 1988. Newsletter: Nouvelles de l'APEM. --Group defunct: Gilles Breton, Nov. 24, 2005 H0A 1G0. édouard Amborski, Adoption internationale démocratique pour enfant (AIDE), 6630, rue Vaudry, Laval. 819-661-1515. --Group defunct: Gilles Breton, Nov. 24, 2005 H2X 2K3. Association de parents pour l'adoption québécoise (APAQ), Kathleen Neault, présidente, 3528 Jeanne Mance, Montréal. 514-990-9144, Domestic adoption within Quebec. Newsletter: L'ècoute. --Jan. 24, 2008 H3A 1Y2. China Care - Children's Playgroup, University Center, McGill University, 3480 McTavish St., Montréal,, Grace and Olivia, Playgroup Coordinators. Children's Playgroup exposes adopted Chinese children in Montreal to their Chinese roots (language, food, arts and crafts) in a fun environment. Meets every other Saturday, 1:30-3 pm. Playgroup Fall 2008 runs from end of September to end of November. --Sept. 24, 2008 L'Association des familles Québec-AsieL'Association des familles Québec-Asie, Daniel Audet, president, Box 1201, Succ. Desjardins, Montréal H5B 1C3, 514-990-2446,, Newsletter: Orient Express. Post-adoption support for families with children from China. Regional representatives, and 300 members, throughout Quebec. --Feb. 11, 2007H7V 2E4. Association of Adoptive Parents of Romanian Children (Association de Parents Adoptifs d'Enfants Roumains), Liliana Tommasini, 249 61st Ave., Chomedey, Laval, QC, 450-688-0341,, Claudine Bissonnette 450-434-4978. --June 19, 2000 Fédération des parents adoptants du QuébecFPAQ [Quebec Adoptive Parents Federation], 4264 rue Ferncrest, Pierrefonds H9H 2A1, Claire-Marie Gagnon, Présidente, 514-696-0508,, $45/family. Formed in 1986 and now serving over 100 families, FPAQ promotes adoption and defends the interests of both parents and children. Newsletter, La Cigogne (The Stork, 3/yr); co-editors: Francois Auger 450-346-2002 (, and Leceta Chisholm Guibault 450-755-5506 ( --Feb. 11, 2007 H9S 4B4. Adoptive Families of Québec, President Suzanne Hanna, (514) 772-8377, Ville St Laurent; co-president Susan Angeli, (514) 276-2671, Montreal West; past president Roberta Fuller. --Sep. 6, 2011 J2C 4K1. Emmanuel, l'Amour qui sauve, 132, rue Loring, C.P. 352, Drummondville, 819-395-4889,, Support group for families who adopted handicapped children. --Feb. 11, 2007 J3V 2A5. Société culturelle de familles adoptives d'enfants de Chine, Pierre Coallier, président, 50 de la Rabastalière est, Suite 211, Saint-Bruno, 450-461-0715,, --Feb. 14, 2007 J8Y 6G7. Familles au coeur québécois, FACQ, Joanne Ladouceur, présidente, 73 rue Boucher, Gatineau, 819-777-3885,, Membership $40/yr. Support group for adoptive families in the Ottawa-Hull region. Members are quebecers and franco-ontarians. Newsletter: Fleurs du monde. --Feb. 11, 2007 J9X 5C4. Association Familles Adoptantes d'Abitibi-Témiscamingue (FAAT), Luce Joyal, president, Box 401, Rouyn-Noranda,, --Feb. 14, 2007 ONTARIO Eastern Ontario K0K 2C0. Adoption Support Group, Marie Ann Lammers, R.R. 3, 252 Huffman Rd., Frankford K0K 2C0. 613-398-7509. Support, advice, contacts and resources. Adoption support group meets through Hastings CAS, the second Thursday of the month at 363 Dundas St. W., Belleville K8P 1B3. --Jan. 26, 2007 Adoption Council of Canada / Conseil d'adoption du CanadaACC, 211 Bronson Ave., #210, Ottawa K1R 6H5. 613-235-0344/235-1566, fax 235-1728, 1-888-542-3678,, Scarth, President. Past presidents: Pat Fenton, Helen Mark. Canada's national voice for adoption, the Adoption Council of Canada acts as an umbrella organization for birthparents, adopted persons, adoptive families, search and reunion groups, adoption professionals, adoption agencies and interested individuals. ACC informs and educates Canadians on all aspects of adoption; promotes the placement of waiting children in permanent homes; promotes openness and honesty in adoption; and works toward legislative reform. ACC is a federally incorporated charitable body operating since 1991. ACC promotes adoption as a positive alternative for children in need of homes; connects all adoption-related groups across Canada; informs and educates Canadians on all aspects of adoption; promotes pre- and post-adoption services to prospective and adoptive families; and promotes progressive legislative change across Canada. ACC provides a library, referrals, conferences, information and task forces on national concerns. Annual membership $25 for individuals; $50 for groups, agencies. ACC's web site includes adoption news and events affecting the Canadian adoption community. ACC's Canada's Waiting Children program, 1-888-542-3678,, will send you information on children available for adoption in Canada. --Feb. 3, 2004 Open Door SocietyOpen Door Society (ODS) is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization for families formed through adoption in Ottawa and area. Parents, caregivers and children meet through a weekly playgroup,, (Fridays 10-noon, Champlain Fieldhouse, 149 Cowley Ave., Ottawa) with toys for all ages, song circle and snacks brought by each family. Annual fee $25/family covers fieldhouse and toy rental.Former description: ODS offers support for families formed through adoption and families considering adoption in all its forms: private, Children's Aid Society, international, single parent, interracial and special needs. It offers workshops, social events, and advocacy to improve laws and attitudes toward adoption. Quarterly ODS News. Library, parents-in-waiting group and families who actively support foreign agencies caring for children abroad. ODS was founded in Montreal in 1959; the Ottawa branch was created in 1970; web site was at Former address: 1106 Wellington St., Box 36013, Ottawa K1Y 2Y7, 613-860-1749. President was Joe Stelliga. --Oct. 8, 2008 K0L 1E0. Mrs. Elsie Board, International Families, RR 2, Oak Hill, Bewdley. K1H 7Y3. Nancy Umbach, Fran McIninch, Adoptive Parents' Consumers Group of Ottawa, Children's Aid Society of Ottawa-Carleton, 1370 Bank St., Ottawa. 613-733-0670. K1P 5E7. Child Welfare League of Canada. Peter Dudding, Executive Director, 75 Albert St., #1001, Ottawa. 613-235-4412,, Non-government organization responding to issues involving children and youth. [Same address for: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare, and First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada] K1P 5H3. International Social Service Canada, Agnes Casselman, Executive Director, 151 Slater St., #714, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 5H3, 613-236-6161, K1x xxx. Cultural Support Association for Families of Korean Adoptees, Ottawa. Korean Culture Classes. Korean calligraphy; Korean history; Korean dance. Korean Catholic Church, 254 Argyle Ave., Ottawa. Min Sook Park or Maria Fulford, 613-825-5203 K1x xxx. Parent Group Coffee and Dessert Night. Informal group for adoptive parents, monthly on a Wednesday. 7-9 pm, Children's Bridge Office, 1400 Clyde Ave., #221, Ottawa. Cathy Murphy, 613-226-2112, Children's Bridge. --Feb. 11, 2007 K1x xxx. Ottawa Valley Support Group, Children's Bridge. This group is no longer active, but the coordinators are available for families to contact. Regional Coordinators are Sue Christie,, 613-825-9154, and Cathy Murphy, 613-226-2112 x4 and 825-6218,, --Cathy Murphy, July 11, 2005 K2P 1B7. Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children. 180 Argyle Ave., # 321, Ottawa. 613-788-5085, fax 788-5106., K7K 3H4. Adoptive Parents Support Group, through Frontenac Children's Aid Society, 362 Montreal St, Kingston, Judith Cox, 542-7351 (ext. 5501) or Jane McLaren, 542-7351 (ext. 5560). Offers adoptive parents a forum to share their experiences. Meeting at 1479 John Counter Blvd. --Feb. 11, 2007 K7L 4H5. Guatemala Adoptive Families Network (GAFN),, Families with children from Guatemala maintain lasting connections to Guatemala. --July 9, 2001 K7M 3R3. Kingston Adoptive Parent Assn., Carolyn Hollett, 215 Days Road, Kingston. K9A 4J7. Mrs. Merete Brooks, Open Door Society of Northumberland, RR 4, Division Street N, Cobourg. 416-372-8772. K9H 7E9. Children's Aid Society Adoption Support Group, Betty Young-Stirling, 721 Vinette St., Peterborough. 705-743-9751 Central Ontario Single Parent Adopters of Ontario (SPA)Contacts:Lisa Adams (705) 432-8024, Haiti, India, Children's Aid Society, General Inquiries Cathy Tyhurst (905) 967-0249, China, Children's Aid Society, General Inquiries Heather Keillor (905) 939-8441: On-line Discussion Group, General Inquiries For singles in the Toronto area who are thinking about adopting, have adopted or are pursuing another adoption. Group includes children from all over the world, ages 6 months to 13 years. Meets every second month on a Sunday, 2-4 pm, at Aurora United Church, 15,186 Yonge St., Aurora, Ont. Social outings to events and activities in the Toronto area. Summer picnic and a December party. On-line discussion group for paid members to exchange ideas, advice and support between scheduled meetings. SPA first met in February 1991. Membership $25/yr includes babysitting. SPA Newsletter. Was at --Apr. 21, 2004 L1W 1L4. Parents Concerned with Adoption, Trish and Terry Caverly, 93 - 925 Bayly St., Pickering. 416-839-1961. L2x xxx. Niagara Imagine Families. Barbara-Anne. For families adopting from Ethiopia or with children home from Ethiopia. Families meet Saturday morning every two months in Niagara region. Children play while parents chat. L2M 6L7. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Basarada, Niagara Adoptive Parents Assn., 52 Cherie Rd., St. Catharines. L2R 3S3. Niagara Adoptive Parent Assn., Mrs. Gail Richardson, 8 Ridgewood Road, St. Catharines. L2R 6W5. Niagara Family and Children's Services, Adoption Support Group, Box 516, 311 Geneva St., St. Catharines. 416-937-7731 L3M 4J4. Niagara Canadopt Support Group, Mr. and Mrs. P. McKillop, 23 Juliana Rd., Grimsby. 416-945-4606 L3Y 4X7. Adoptive Parent Group of York Region, Family and Children's Service of York Region, Mrs. Joyce Taylor, Box 358, Newmarket. Lxx xxx. Children's Bridge York Region Play Group, Darlene Catton, 905-836-6776, Playgroups for kids held the first Saturday of the month, 10 am-12 pm. Meetings and seminars throughout the year. Primarily for families who have adopted through Children's Bridge but also open to anyone who has adopted from China. --Feb. 11, 2007 L4C 5L5. Parents of Adopted Children, Ms. Shavie Fagan, 69 Sanderson Cresc., Richmond Hill. L4M 4T5. Limiar:Canada, Evelyn Schabauer Guest, Box 306, Barrie. 905-825-0786, fax 825-6465, Brazil. A charity formed in 1995 by adoptive families to support Brazilian children both in Canada and Brazil. Pre- and post-adoption support for international adoption. Child placement occurs through Limiar: USA. --Dec. 1, 1998 L4N 1X1. Barrie Adoption Support Group, Phil Rimmer, 86 Parkside Dr., Barrie. --No longer operating, Jan. 29, 2002 L4x xxx. Muskoka Adoptive Parents Group, Joanne Lemke 705-789-5865; Marlene 705-635-1654. Huntsville. L5E 2W6. Parenting After Adoption. Post-adoption support group for adoptive parents in Mississauga and surrounding area. Exchange information about parenting our children, and the adoption process itself. Meets the third Tuesday of the month, 7:30-9:30 pm, Christ Church United Church, 1700 Mazo Cr., Mississauga. Annual events: summer BBQ, swimming event and a snow event. Paul Thomson, 905-278-5022,, --Jan. 26, 2007 L6K 3H6. Barb Croucher, Adoptive Parents Assn. of Halton, 59 Chisholm St., Oakville. L6M 3H2. Halton Region Chinese Canadian Association, Box 60016, RPO Glen Abbey, Oakville , 905-847-8023,, Non-profit organization promoting Chinese culture particularly in Oakville and Burlington. Events for adopted children to get acquainted with the culture of their origin. L6x xxx. LGBT Parenting Support Group, Halton (Oakville). Marcus Logan, For same sex parents in the process of adopting or who have adopted. --19 Mar 2002 L6V 1A1. Gina and Ray Osborne, Parents Concerned with Adoption, RR2, Brampton. L7x xxx. Belonging, Janice and Scott McDonald, 905-332-9469, Support group for parents with adopted children and all touched by adoption. Meets the last Monday of the month at Compass Point Bible Church, 2501 Eaglesfield Dr., Burlington. --Dec. 11, 2006 L7x xxx. Burlington and Area Parent Support Group. Sharing parenting challenges, concerns, experiences. Meet other parents of adopted children, the third Tuesdays of the month, 7-9 pm. Every third month, a transracial/cultural forum with Susan Crawford of Halton Multi-Cultural Council. Lynn Mighton, 905-634-0488, Children's Bridge. L8x xxx. FCC Halton - Hamilton Chapter (Families With Children from China), Denise Davy, 905-634-2086, Jura Dejong, 905-383-4497. Families who have adopted from China meet to teach their children and themselves about Chinese culture, as well as adoption. --Feb. 11, 2007 L8x xxx. Beginnings Adoption Support Group, South Central Ontario (Hamilton), Anita and John Unwin, 905-648-5503, Bi-monthly meetings with potluck dinner; includes children. A chance to talk about any issues that individuals would like to discuss. --Feb. 11, 2007 L9L xxx. North Durham Adoptive Parents, Janet Van Camp, Port Perry, 905-986-1249,, North Durham Adoptive Parents. Monthly coffee night. Fellowship, support, discussions on adoption-related topics. For public, private and international adoptive families around North Durham. --Feb. 21, 2010 M2M 3N9. Assn. of Parent Support Groups in Ontario, 11 Nevada Ave., Willowdale. M3x xxx. FACE Forward support group, Toronto. Louise LaRocca,, 416-484-4588, or Joanne Orliffe, For parents of children adopted from Eastern Europe with issues needing professional intervention; most are school age or older; some had interventions before entering school. Meets a few times a year to share experiences and resources. (The support group Families of Adopted Children from Eastern Europe, FACE, ceased meeting about 2006.) --Jan. 23, 2009 M4K 1G4. LAAF In Canada (Latin American Adoptive Families), Lynne Wilson Orr, 41 Sparkhall Ave., Toronto, 416-461-7988. Was for families who adopted from Latin America. Inactive. --November 2000 M4x xxx. Interracial Adoption Discussion and Support Group, 12 Birch Ave., #210, Toronto. For parents in interracial adoptions. Informal monthly meetings, 7-9 pm, for discussion and information-sharing about our diverse families. Fee: a small donation is welcomed. Adoption Council of Ontario, 416-482-0021,, --Feb. 11, 2007 M4N 2L2. Canadian Jewish-Asian Association. Started in 2003 by the Jewish parents of a toddler adopted from China, this group, open to any family with both Jewish and Asian family members, focuses on helping individuals feel more comfortable with their various identities through participation as a group in Jewish events and Asian events and in building friendships or playgroups with other association member families. Contact the Adoption Council of Ontario for details: 416-482-0021, --Feb. 11, 2007 Adoption Council of OntarioACO, 3216 Yonge St., 2nd floor, Toronto. M4N 2L2, 416-482-0021, fax 482-1586,, Monica Byrne, Nicki Weiss. Patricia Convery, Executive Director. Membership $35/year, includes newsletter Adoption Roundup and library borrowing privileges. --Feb. 2008 Founded in 1987, the Adoption Council of Ontario is an umbrella organization providing support to individuals and groups involved in adoption in Ontario. ACO also advocates for adoptees and all people connected with adoption. It is all-volunteer, with no government funding for operating expenses. ACO's Board of Directors represent all parties to adoption (adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents and adoption professionals.) "How to Adopt / Getting Started in Adoption", seminars held twice monthly in Toronto and other locations. ACO's Adoption Resource Centre, at the above address, is a complete adoption information centre, with an extensive adoption library of books, videos, audiotapes, magazines. Parents in Waiting Support Group meets quarterly at the Adoption Resource Centre, co-sponsored by Infertility Network and the Adoption Council of Ontario. Facilitators: Sharon Block, social worker, adoptive parent; and Pat Fenton, adoption practitioner and adoptive parent. A chance to meet other families (singles and couples) coping with the stresses of the waiting period; updates and sharing of networking ideas, staying optimistic while waiting for adoption placement. "Living with Adoption, The Birth Parent Perspective", a support/discussion group with Betty Ann Streeter and Pat Fenton, for birth parents who have placed a child for adoption. Birth grandparents also welcome. Meeting at the Adoption Resource Centre the third Monday of the month. --Feb. 2003 Canadian Council of Natural MothersCanadian Council of Natural Mothers,, Karen Lynn, president, Toronto. CCNM supports open access to personal information in adoption records. Web site with articles on adoption and loss. Mother's Bill of Rights. Position Papers. CCNM email list for natural relatives and adoptees, but not adoptive parents or anyone advocating for future adoptions.Families in AdoptionFamilies in Adoption, 134 Clifton Road, Toronto M4T 2G6. 416-487-3166, Pat Fenton, web the last Sunday in January, March, May, July (picnic), September, and November at the Rosedale United Church, 159 Roxborough Dr. in Toronto. Pat Fenton founded FIA in 1984 as an informal support group for Toronto-area parents adopting locally and internationally. Parents are welcome to bring their children for the simultaneous program of children's activities, games and crafts. --Feb. 11, 2007 Families with Children from China TorontoFCC Toronto, Box 808, Stn. F, Toronto M4Y 2N7. Cindy Boates, president, 416-417-9165,, Toronto provides a network of support to families who have adopted from China and serves as an information source for prospective parents. It started in 1995 with 35 families and has grown to almost 400 families. Events include a summer picnic, Autumn Moon Festival, a Chinese New Year's celebration, an annual Culture Camp (in conjunction with the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto) and other special events. Membership of $25/year includes the quarterly Orientations newsletter. Support for children remaining in orphanages in China is provided through the charity "Families With Children From China Charitable Fund". The fund has a working relationship with the Amity Foundation in China. FCC Toronto is loosely affiliated with over 100 other FCC chapters throughout North America; see --May 29, 2009 Children's Bridge Toronto and Area Families' Network. --deleted by request of Donna Paonessa, July 8, 2005 M4Y 1W9. Native Child and Family Services Toronto, Adoption and Foster Care Healing Circle, Terry Swan, 464 Yonge St., Suite 201, Toronto M4Y 1W9. 416-969-8510, fax 416-969-9251. Support and counseling to native adoptees who may be looking to connect with their roots/culture. Help with search and reunion. --Feb. 2003 M5C 1R6. Canadian Romanian Children's Link, 55 Queen St. E., Suite 1403, Toronto. Fax 416-364-3866. Agency working with orphanage in Romania. M5N 1B1. Becoming Maternity and Parenting Centre, 505 Eglinton Ave. W., #401, Toronto, 416-440-4020, info@becomingmaternity, Pre- and post-adoption support groups. Classes and counselling on all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, adoption and parenting. --Feb. 11, 2007 M6S 5A1. SPARK (Support for Parents Adopting & Raising World Kids), Alison Pentland-Folk, 97 Humberview Rd., Toronto M6S 1W9, 416-763-3345, For Canadian families in intercountry adoption. --Apr. 13, 2005 M7A 1E9. Adoption Unit, Ministry of Community, Family and Children's Services, 7th Floor, Hepburn Block, 80 Grosvenor St., Toronto, Ont. M7A 1E9. Provincial government. Colette Kent, Manager. Rich Partridge, Coordinator, Private and International Adoption Unit. General inquiries: 416-327-4730, fax 327-0573. Laura Wenn, International Clerk, 327-4739. --July 25, 2003 M8x xxx. Peel Post Adoption Support Group, Mississauga/Brampton. Judy Weaver, 416-452-9056. Mxx xxx. ADD Support Network, Roslyn Harris, 416-924-2090,, web site was at Toronto support group for adults with Attention Deficit Disorder. Mondays, 6:30-8:30 pm. July and August meetings are only on the first Monday of the month. --Feb. 11, 2007 Mxx xxx. Attention Deficit Resource Network (ADRN), 416-208-3141, Based in York region (Markham). Community group to increase knowledge and understanding of ADD. 6:30-8:30pm. --Feb. 11, 2007 Mxx xxx. Families With Children From South Africa, Nicole Nel-Maynard, 416-947-1881,, For Ontario families, and families-in-waiting. --June 21, 2007 Mxx xxx. FAS World Toronto, 905-727-4061. Support for families and individuals living with FAS. Learn about the dangers of drinking and pregnancy. Meeting on the second Saturday of the month at St. Michael's Hospital, Room 17019 (Cardinal Wing, South elevators), 9:30 am. --Jan. 26, 2007 Mxx xxx. GAP (Guatemala Adoptive Parents). Peter Fokes, 416-503-9653, Group outings for families who have adopted children from Guatemala. --Feb. 2003 Mxx xxx. Jewish Family and Child Services, Toronto and Area. Susan Bradnies, 4600 Bathurst St., 416-638-7800. Support for adoptive parents. Meeting the last Wed. every month at 8pm. --Feb. 2003 Mxx xxx. LGBT Parenting Network, Rachel Epstein, Family Service Assn. of Toronto, 416-595-0307, ext. 301;, Information and support to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and transsexual parents who are biological, non-biological, adoptive, foster and/or step-parents. Monthly discussions; course for gay men considering parenthood; training for professionals; Pride and Joy newsletter. --Jan. 26, 2007 Mxx xxx. Las Familias support group. Monthly meetings and outings in the Toronto area. Most children are adopted from Guatemala; other countries are represented. Laura Snitman, 416-503-9653; Maggie Harradine, 416-767-3591. Southwestern Ontario N0B 1G0. Gerry and Karen Bohr, 73 Elizabeth St., Baden. 519-634-5637. Family HelperFamily Helper, Robin Hilborn, Box 1203, Southampton, Ont. N0H 2L0,, until 2012, a national adoption information service for adoptive parents, prospective adoptive parents, and those in search and reunion. Published Family Helper magazine, which incorporated Adoption Helper for prospective adoptive parents, and Post-adoption Helper for post-placement support. N0x xxx. Adopted Family Hand in Hand Support Group. Terri Griffin, Group of adoptive parents in the Grey/Bruce area, meetings every other month, plus special events. Assisted by the Owen Sound CAS. --10 Apr 2003 N0L 1B0. Good Fortune Families, Lee Mayer, RR 2, Belmont, Ont., N0L 1B0, 519-644-2838, For London and area adoptive families with children from China, Korea and Vietnam. Newsletter "Good Fortune" to be available at (site by Jane Atkinson-White, Box 391, Belmont, Ont. N0L 1B0). --Oct. 23, 2009 N0L 1R0. Canadopt, RR 3, Komoka. Group no longer operating. --Feb. 21, 2003 N1A 1T8. Family and Children's Service of Haldimand, 653 Broad St., Dunnville. Guelph CanadoptGuelph Canadopt, Janice Shields (Fergus) 519-843-2094; Louise De Corso (Kitchener) 519-894-6875; Dianne Mackie (Guelph) 519-836-4730.Guelph Canadopt was formed in 1993 by a small group of parents who found themselves a distance from other international adoption support groups. Rather than "re-invent the wheel" they became a branch of Donna Wolsey's London (Ontario) Canadopt. Many of the children were born in Guatemala. Other countries include China, Nepal, Bolivia, Peru and Romania, and Canadian-born children of mixed racial heritage. Families come mainly from Guelph, Cambridge and Kitchener but also as far away as Oakville, Brampton, Cobourg and St. Thomas. Among the quite active members are John and Kay Verdone, who send school-building teams and medical volunteers to Guatemala, El Salvador and Romania; and Paul and Deb Westacott, a doctor and nurse team, who have two daughters from Guatemala--Paul is the Medical Director for the Verdone's team. Several of the adoptive parents have gone to Guatemala on the building teams. Annual events include a summer picnic and Christmas party. N1G 3R9. Sharing Adoption, Mr. and Mrs. Norris, 24 Hosking Place, Guelph. 519-837-3998. Open to all adoptive parents. Meeting a couple of times annually. --Jan. 26, 2007 N1H 6J2. Sharing Adoption, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bolten, RR 5, 22 Bedford Rd., Guelph. 519-824-8853 N1H 6N3. Post-Adoption Group, Family and Children's Service of Guelph and Wellington, Carol Glass, 55 Delhi St., Box 1088, Guelph N1H 6N3. 519-824-2410 ext. 285, Open to birthparents, adoptive parents, and adoptees over 18. Meeting the last Monday of the month, except December, July, and August, 7:30 pm-9:30 pm. Currently on hold, contact Carol Glass for details. --Feb. 11, 2007 N2H 4S7. Birthmothers of Canada, 288 Margaret Ave., Kitchener,, Justine, 519-745-3167; Jocelyn, 519-741-1636; Denise, 519-579-0363. For women who have placed a child for adoption, to share stories, information and provide mutual support. Founded by several birthmothers in the Kitchener-Waterloo area on Mother's Day, 2001. Annual Birthmother's Day Celebration to honour birthmothers (usually the day before Mothers' Day). --Jan. 26, 2007 N2L 4H9. Waterloo Adoptive Parent Assn., Fred and Marilyn Hovinga, 529 Glenforest Blvd., Waterloo. 519-885-1647 or 824-8853. N2x xxx. Adoptive Parents Talk. Kitchener, etc. Informal get-togethers, fourth Mondays, for all adoptive parents. Meeting at 7 pm in Kitchener, Cambridge, Guelph, Paris. Discuss the challenges of adopting and parenting adopted children. Stephanie Morgan, Post Adoption Coordinator, 519-622-8373, Children's Bridge. --Jan. 26, 2007 N2x xxx. Rainbow Playgroup, Deborah Wood, 572 Dunbar Rd., Kitchener, Started Feb. 10, 2001. Open to all who have adopted from China, and other places such as Romania. Outings and informal support with regular meetings for social events and a newsletter. $10 annual fee. --Feb. 2003 N2Z 2X6. Kincardine Canadopt, Kathy Desmond, RR 5, Kincardine. 519-396-8737 N3C 2N7. Shirley Gibbs, Informed Adoption, 178 Cooper St., Cambridge. N3H 2X4. Waterloo Adoptive Parent Assn., Garry and Angela Shields, 714 Sherring St., Cambridge. 519-653-8917. N3R 6R1. Brant Adoptive Parent Assn., Ms. Gail Redmond, 15 Hawthorne Lane, Brantford. N3R 7E8. Adoptive Parents Together, Mrs. C. King, 25 Kanata Cresc., Brantford. N4S 1H2. A.F.T.E.R (Adopted Families Training Education Relating). Cindy Male, Parent Lead, 519-485-4406, Adoption support group meeting the third Wednesday of the month, Sept - May. 7-9:30 pm. Adopted Children's Group meets the second Friday each month, 6-8 pm. Meetings are at Children's Aid Society of Oxford County, 989 Dundas St, Woodstock, ON N4S 1H2. N5A 6S6. Perth County Adoptive Parent Assn., Mrs. Jean Anjema, RR 5, Stratford. 519-393-6864. N5Y 4P9. London Coalition of Adoptive Families, 1302 Fuller St., London. Paula Schuck, Meeting the third Tuesday of the month, except July and August, at London-Middlesex Children's Aid Society, 1680 Oxford St. Summer family picnic. Always looking for new members. --June 24, 2007 N5Z 4T5. Romanian Adoption Support Group, Betty Dubrick, 31 Cleveland Place, London. 519-649-7131 N6A 4Z5. Adrian Block, Family and Children Services of London and Middlesex, Box 848, Stn. B, London. 519-434-8461. N6P 1B9. C.A.R.E. (Communicating Adoption Realities with Each Other) Adoption Support Group, London. Leanne Beattie, 519-652-7615 (evg.), 519-640-7749 (day), For London area adoptive parents. First meeting Apr. 9, 2003. Not currently active, Dec. 2006. --Dec. 18, 2006 N6x xxx. Coffee Talk. London. Second Wednesdays: an informal, drop-in forum -- parents of internationally-adopted children meet other adoptive parents and share adoption and parenting ideas. 7:30 pm, Symposium Café, 620 Richmond St. Kim Jones, 519-652-9574, Children's Bridge. N6x xxx. Children's Bridge London Group, Marisa Bucci, 519-649-6669 or 657-4422. Lori Sax, 519-474-0017. Meetings held monthly. Social events in summer and fall to allow children and parents to interact with each other and provide support. Information sessions in spring and fall on how to adopt. Annual picnic and Christmas party. --Feb. 11, 2007 N7L 1E6. Kent Adoptive Parent's Assn., Bob and Nancy Hillman, 264 Baldoon Rd., Chatham. 519-354-0359 N7L 3R6. Kent Adoptive Parent Assn., Mr. and Mrs. K. Apthorp, 108 Semenyn Ave., Chatham. N7M 5J4. Mrs. Joan Sass, Kent Adoptive Parents Assn., RR 4, Chatham. 519-351-3209. Family CrossingsFamily Crossings, Leanne Lavergne (regional co-ordinator, Children's Bridge), 484 Orchard Park Drive, Tecumseh, Ont. N8N 4X9, 519-252-5717, fax 252-6175. Doris Zanier, support group for Windsor and area families adopting from Asia: China, Korea and Vietnam. A forum for families to share experiences, develop friendships and connect with other adoptive families. Families gather monthly for playgroup and youth group get-togethers for children; seminars and workshops for parents; and support for waiting-families. --Feb. 11, 2007 N8Y 1C2. Adoption Resource Group of Windsor and Essex County, Deborah Deane Little c/o 1700 Assumption St., Windsor N8Y 1C2. fax 519-974-9016. Composed of families seeking to adopt and families who have already adopted. Meeting monthly. Discussion groups, information sessions and social gatherings. Annual membership $20. N8Y 4S2. Sharing Adoption Resource Group, c/o R.J. Bondy Centre, 1671 Riverside Drive E., Windsor. N9A 3P1. Children's Aid Society Post-Adoption Support Group, Essex CAS, Bev Thompson, 690 Catarqui St., Windsor. N9B 2T4. Carolanne Smith, Sharing Adoption Resource Group (Essex CAS), 323 Randolph Ave., Windsor. 519-256-1674. N9x xxx. Sharing Adoption Resource Group, Windsor. Mary Simonetto, 519-944-3505. Northern and Western Ontario P0B 1C0. Muskoka Adoptive Parent Assn., Eric and Karen Kaye, Box 2173, Bracebridge. 519-653-8917 P0L 1Y0. Payukotayno, James and Hudson Bay Family Services, Box 336, Moosonee. 705-336-2229. P0V 1C0. Eric and Karen Kaye, Muskoka Adoptive Parent Assn., Box 2173, Bracebridge. P1B 2Z3. Ted Myers, Nipissing Adoptive Parents, Children's Aid Society of the District of Nipissing, 433 McIntyre St. W., North Bay. 705-472-0910. Group now inactive. P1B 8K3. Children's Aid Society Adoptive Parent Group, Ted Meyers, Box 1035, North Bay. 705-472-0910. See P1B 2Z3. P1B 8K3. Ron Lees, Eileen Larmer, Children's Aid Society Adoptive Parents Group, Suite 300, 240 Algonquin Ave., North Bay. 705-472-1910. P3x xxx. 1C0. Sudbury Adoption Support Group. Esther, 705-969-7152, Understanding and emotional support for adopted persons, adoptive parents and first/birth parents; must be at least 18 years to join. Meetings held the second Wednesday of each month, except July and August, at 111 Elm St. Sudbury, 7-9pm. --Jan. 26, 2007 P4N 1M7. Sharing Post Adoption Issues, Lark Ritchie, 600 Toke St., Timmins P4N 1M7 (Box 475, Porcupine P0N 1C0), 705-235-8121 x7515. Support group for all members of the adoption constellation. Meeting the third Tuesday of each month. --Jan. 26, 2007 P4N 6A1. Porcupine and District Children's Aid Society Adoptive Parent Group, Ms. Anna Lisa Deluca, CAS of Porcupine and District, 12 Elm St. N., Timmins. 705-264-4257 or 705-268-6655. Forming an adoption support group. P6A 4E8. Sault Ste. Marie Canadopt, Jennifer Smart, 140 Hugill St., Sault Ste. Marie. P7A 5J7. International Adoption Group, Northern Ontario. Joan Martin, 182 College St., Thunder Bay, 807-343-9071, fax 807-345-9641. Open to pre- and post-international adoptive families. Social gatherings for adoptive families to extend support to one another; information regarding adoption. --Feb. 11, 2007 P7B 2Y1. Adoption Assn. of Thunder Bay, Family and Children's Service of Thunder Bay, 309 South Court St., Thunder Bay. MANITOBA Adoption Council of ManitobaAdoption Council of Manitoba, Box 74, 1631 St. Mary's Road, Winnipeg, Man. R2N 1Z0, 204-255-3100, email, was at --Feb. 11, 2007R2C 2Z2. Adoptive Parents Support Group of Eastern Manitoba, Box 175, R.R. 5, Winnipeg, Man. R2W 3C9. Project Opikihiwawin Inc., 119 Sutherland Ave., Winnipeg, Man. Barry Bigus, Chairman, 204-947-3765, fax 947-6564. Support group for non-Native families who have adopted or fostered Native children. The name is Cree for to nurture, to help grow. --Oct. 1997 R2W 4X3. Verna McKay, 366 McGregor St., 2nd Floor, Winnipeg, Man. 204-589-1716. R3C 1G1. Children's Aid Society of Winnipeg, Diana Millward, 114 Garry St., Winnipeg, Man. R3T 3L8. Adoption Support Group, South Winnipeg Family Information Centre, Lower Level - 800 Point Road, Winnipeg, Man. Pat Reid, Co-ordinator, 204-284-9311. --Oct. 1997 R3x xxx. Friends of Adoption Manitoba. Laura Morrison,, 661-8103. General adoption information. Organization promoting adoption. --Feb. 18, 2008 R3x xxx. MAPS (Manitoba Adoptive Parents Support). Sue,, 204-256-9332. Meeting the second Wednesday of the month, South Winnipeg Family Information Centre, Lower Level, 800 Point Rd. Call MAPS co-coordinator Sue Brook, 204-231-3014, for meeting times. --Mar. 14, 2008 R7A 3M8. Mrs. R. Miller, Western Manitoba Adoptive Parents Assn., 1423 5th Street, Brandon, Man. R7A 6C2. Adoptive Parent Support Group of Western Manitoba, c/o Child and Family Services of Western Manitoba, 340 - 9th Street, Brandon, Man. 204-726-6030. Rxx xxx. Adoption Community Voice of Manitoba, 204-945-2258 SASKATCHEWAN S3N 3A9. Shadow Above F.A.S./F.A.E. support group. Debra MacNutt, 105 B, 378 Parkview Rd., Yorkton, Sask., 306-783-9609. Supporting people with someone in their family, or friends, or people suffering from F.A.S./F.A.E. Meetings start April 23, 2001, 7-9 p.m. Debra is available for speaking about living with F.A.E. and doing workshops. --Apr. 17, 2001 S4P 1B8. Support Group for Parents of Transculturally Adopted Adolescents, Bonnie Young, Child and Youth Services, Regina, 306-787-3400. Adoption Support Centre of SaskatchewanASCS, 233 4th Ave. S., Saskatoon S7K 1N1, 1-866-869-2727, 306-665-7272, fax 665-7274, e-mail:, web site: Cindy Xavier, Executive Director.Formed in 1985 as the Saskatchewan Adoptive Parents Association, ASCS provides services for adoptive families, adoptees, birth families, professionals and those interested in adoption. ASCS promotes the importance of permanency planning for children. $25/yr. Members receive Adoption News, borrowing privileges from the Carol Bothwell Resource Centre, discounts on registration fees at ASCS conferences and workshops and voting privileges at the Annual General Meeting. The provincial office is in Saskatoon, with ASCS chapters in: Yorkton: 306-665-7272; Melfort/Tisdale/Nipawin: Joan 306-752-4038; Swift Current: MaryLynne 306-648-3298; Kindersley/Rosetown: Cathy 306-463-2120; Estevan: Cindy 306-634-7458; Regina: 306-665-7272; Prince Albert: Sheila 306-763-1355; Battlefords: Linda 306-445-3417; Saskatoon: Sheilah 373-8853; Weyburn: Annette 306-456-2750; Moose Jaw Adoptive Interest Assn., Heather 306-694-4129; Families With Children from China ( Ann 306-343-1294 --Nov. 21, 2007 Saskatchewan Families With Children From ChinaSaskatchewan Families With Children From China, Saskatoon. Ann DeVito, 306-343-1294, email, web, parties, quarterly newsletter. Saskatchewan FCC welcomes families adopting from China, Vietnam, Korea and other Asian countries. --Apr. 21, 2004 ALBERTA T0A 1A0. FACT (Families for Alberta's Children Today), Darlene Kozicky, Box 285, Elk Point. 403-724-2216, fax 724-2907, 1-888-310-3228. [E858] --AW, Sep. 1998 T0A 2C0. NEAR (North East Region), Lori Thompson, Box 1085, Lac La Biche. 403-623-3265. T0A 2M0. Lakeland Adoptive Parents Assn., Box 1119, Medley. T0E 2G0. Hinton Edson Grande Cache Support Groups, Box 36, Site 8, RR2, Stony Plain. Garth Tylor-Meher, 403-963-5727. T0H 1Z0. North Peace Adoption Support Group, Debbie Delisle, Box 63, High Level. 926-3423. --AW, Sep. 1998 T0H xxx. Peace Adoptive Parents Assn. (PAPA), Sharon Bloom, Fairview, 403-835-4848, fax 835-4838. --AW, Sep. 1998 T0H xxx. South Peace Adoptive Families Assn., Roberta Cardinal, Grande Prairie, 814-7508. --AW, Sep. 1998 Txx xxx. Taber Adoption Support, Arlene Czerniak, Taber, 223-4279. --AW, Sep. 1998 T0M xxx. Rocky Mountain House Adoptive Parent Support Group, Julie Nickel, Rocky Mountain House, 403-845-7914. --AW, Sep. 1998 T0x xxx. Grizzly Trail Adoptive Families Assn., Aurelia Spronk, Barrhead, 674-2971. --AW, Sep. 1998 T0x xxx. Edson Area Adoption Support, Sharon Broughton, 723-4517. --AW, Sep. 1998 T0x xxx. Hanna Support Group, Linda Ford, 403-326-2177. T0x xxx. Lesser Slave Adoptions Network, Sylvianne Tardif, Girouxville, 323-4493. --AW, Sep. 1998 T0x xxx. Battle River Adoption Group Society (BRAGS), Darlene Albrecht, Lougheed, 403-888-2124. --AW, Sep. 1998 T1A 1G7. Adoption 2000 Consulting Inc., 101 - 6th Street SE, Medicine Hat, 403-504-4263, Director: Alice McNeil. Preparing children for permanency using a child-authored life book to address past losses. --April 5, 2006 T1A 4C2. FAS Parent Support Group, 631 Prospect Drive SW, Medicine Hat, 403-529-8079. Facilitator: Alice McNeil. Meetings second Tuesday of every month, 7-9 p.m. --11 Jun 2001 T1x xxx. Southern Alberta 4 Adoption, Lethbridge. Roberta Matson (Provincial Parent Liaison for Adoption Council of Canada), Group meets monthly to support people considering adoption and for adoptive families. Members in Okotoks, Brooks, Cardston, Medicine Hat, Bow Island, and Glenwood). --Oc.t 23, 2009 T2J 1N5. Denise MacDonald, 415 Willowgrove Cresc. S.E., Calgary. 403-271-9303. For families adopting Romanian children. T2R 0B3. Calgary Family Service Bureau, Nancy Bird-Stafford, #200, 707 - 10th Ave. S.W., Calgary. T2x xxx. Non-Native Parents of Native Children, Lorraine Grossberndt, Calgary, 403-850-5671. --AW, Sep. 1998 T2x xxx. Central Region Adoption Council, Linda Perler, 783-2701; Lorraine Sproxton, 340-5380. --AW, Sep. 1998 T2x xxx. Cold Lake Support Group, Sandy Overs, 826-4202. --AW, Sep. 1998 International Adoption Families AssociationIAFA, #1016, 246 Stewart Green S.W., Calgary T3H 3C8, 403-270-2474 (24 hour voice mail),, Membership $30/yr.IAFA incorporated in 1995 as a non-profit association dedicated to providing a network of support and information for people considering international adoption. Volunteers advise families on the process and provide emotional support before, during and after the adoption. Support group meetings and social events are held in Edmonton and Calgary. IAFA publishes IAFA Newsletter. 335 active member families, with children adopted from 23 countries, including Brazil, China, Ethiopia, Haiti, Korea, Philippines, Romania, Ukraine, U.S., Vietnam. --Oct. 4, 2007 T3x xxx. Adoption Support Group of Three Hills, Trochu and Area, Maxine Haggerty, 442-4231. --AW, Sep. 1998 T3x xxx. Adoption Support Krew (ASK), St. Paul and Area, Pat Mahe, 635-2648. --AW, Sep. 1998 T4x xxx. Adoption Association of Olds and Area, Iain and Susan Paton, Didsbury, 403-335-8540. --AW, Sep. 1998 Txx xxx. St. Albert Adoptive Parent Support Group, St. Albert Parents Place, 459-7377. --AW, Sep. 1998 T5G 2K5. Cross-Cultural Families of Native Children Society, Andrea Wilson, 11234 104 St., Edmonton AB, A group for adoptive, foster or other families of Native children dealing with cross-cultural issues. --24 Feb 2003 T4N 3K3. Adoption Network Society of Red Deer and Area, Robin Byrnes, 3524 - 44A Ave., Red Deer, 403-347-8114. --AW, Sep. 1998 T5J 3L7. Adoption Options' Adoptive Parents Support Group, Marilyn E. Shinyei, #304, 10109 - 106 St. NW, Edmonton, 780-433-5656, fax 447-4763. E-mail, In Calgary, 403-270-8228. For clients of the agency Adoption Options. T5N 2E3. Private Adoption Society of Alberta, 9911 - 136 Street, Edmonton. 780-441-3970, fax 441-3505. Valerie Nelson, President. Adoption education and support. --22 May 1997 / April 1999 Adoption Council of AlbertaACA, 8116 - 187 St., Edmonton. T5T 1K3. 780-487-2000, fax 484-9179. Karen Braid, President, Adoption Council of Alberta is a coalition which aims to advocate for adoption, identify existing resources, enhance communication for services and supports, and increase awareness of adoption in the community. T5T xxx. Attachment Disorder Support and Resource, Karen Braid or Lynn Yanchuk, Edmonton, 780-484-9179. --AW, Sep. 1998 T5W 2N5. Project CARE (Community Adoption Resources and Education), a project of COAC, Alberta Citizens Coalition on Advocacy for Children. North Office: Terri Spronk, 12133 -- 41 Street, Edmonton. 780-474-2509. South Office: Eric and Marion Kokko, 1134 Great Lakes Road, Lethbridge. T1K 3N6, 403-327-7774. T5x xxx. Edmonton and Area Adopting Beyond Infancy (ABI) Adoption Society. Dana Black, Vice Chairperson and Coordinator, 457-9981. Support Line: 780-479-5268. Provides information, education, resources and support to families with adopted children. Welcomes recently placed, foster to adoptive parents, waiting families, and supporters of the adoption circle. --May 31, 2006 T5x xxx. Edmonton Regional Adoption Council, Anne McAthey, 780-427-1581, fax 427-1792. --AW, Sep. 1998 T6G 0N8. T.A.D.A., 11803 78 Avenue, Edmonton. Support group for parents of a hyperactive or attention-deficit child. T6H 4N7. Mr. Loren Stark, RR 3, South Edmonton. 780-955-7774. For families adopting Romanian children. Txx xxx. Education and Information-Alberta. Aim to Adopt, Linda Dyck 403-240-2346, Linda Trenaman 403-283-6884 Txx xxx. Education and Information-Alberta. Independent Adoption Services, Kathi Hanterman, 403-235-4273. Txx xxx. Families of Black Children, Sue, 403-467-0934; Shelagh, 403-986-8731. BRITISH COLUMBIA Adoptive Families Assn. of British ColumbiaAFABC, #200, 7342 Winston St., Burnaby BC, V5A 2G1, 604-320-7330, fax 320-7350,, Membership $40/yr.Executive Director, Karen Madeiros,; Chapter and Volunteer, Anne Melcombe,; Adoption Support, Jennifer Hillman,; Publications Coordinator, Siobhan Rowe, Intercountry Education Coordinator, Joanne Thalken. The Adoptive Families Association of BC (AFABC) is a volunteer-based, non-profit society which promotes adoption as a viable means of building families and is dedicated to finding a family for every child in need of a home in British Columbia. AFABC was pioneered by a small group of adoptive mothers in 1977 in response to the need for information, resources, and connecting with adoptive families. In 1989 the organization received government funding and was able to hire staff and open an office. AFABC receives core funding from the Ministry For Children and Families. Its services include: information, education and support on all aspects of adoption; adoption support workers, who are also adoptive parents; a network of buddy families; monthly adoption orientations; and the magazine Focus on Adoption, Online: searchable library ( and bookstore, special needs glossary, articles, intercountry adoption news. Since 1989 the AFABC has developed a resource centre, bi-monthly magazine, set up the BC Waiting Child toll-free information line, coordinated one of the largest adoption websites in Canada, set up a parent network, provided education sessions, and partnered with the government Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) on recruitment activities. AFABC is the largest adoption support group in Canada, with over 900 members families and professionals and more than 35 chapters and support groups across B.C. For information on the following support groups, and others in British Columbia, see the AFABC support page at Afro-Canadian Adoption Network Families With Children From China Guatemalan Rainbow Lower Mainland Chapter Parents with Children of Haitian Heritage Peruvian Adoptive Families Romanian Adoption Group Single Parent Group Thai Canadian Adoptive Families Upper Island International Support Group Vancouver Infertility Peer Support Group (VIPS) --May 22, 2003 Families Of Children From China: British ColumbiaFCC BC,, Co-chairs: Marlee Groening, 218 W 23rd Ave. Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 2H3, 604-875-1607,; and Wanda Pierson. Chinese adoption for British Columbians. Friends of the Family newsletter. --Mar. 20, 2004Society of Special Needs Adoptive ParentsSNAP, 101 - 2780 East Broadway, Vancouver V5M 1Y8. 604-687-3114, fax 687-3364, toll-free (in BC) 1-800-663-7627, e-mail Web: Watson, Executive Director. Lissa Cowan and Jennifer Lee, Communication Coordinators. Lori Nash, Volunteer Program Coordinator. Membership $25/year. Area Support Groups throughout the province. Founded in 1987 and now a province-wide, provincially-registered non-profit society and a federally-registered charity. It provides information, education and support services to special needs adoptive families and adoption professionals. It has an extensive peer support group and trained Resource Parent network across B.C. While SNAP is a provincial organization serving B.C., it responds to calls from across North America. The SNAP support network handles over 15,000 contacts a year. The Society operates a toll-free in B.C. telephone contact line and publishes the quarterly Newsletter and other information materials (such as "Parenting Children Affected by Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: A Guide for Daily Living"). Public education workshops and conferences concerning special needs adoption. Large resource library housing over 8,000 books, periodicals, reports, audio tapes and videos. Core funding comes from the Ministry for Children and Families; other funds are raised privately through donations, grants and events. --17 Apr 2002 Adoption Council of British ColumbiaACBC, Brad Watson, 205 - 409 Granville St., Vancouver, B.C., V6C 1T2, 604-687-3114, fax 687-3364.ACBC is a non-profit umbrella organization formed in September 1996 and run by volunteers. Its mission is to provide a provincial forum for adoption circle members and the B.C. adoption community to advise, consult and work in partnership with each other and government on all matters relating to adoption in B.C. Membership is open to all interested in adoption issues, including those who work in adoption. Outside B.C., you can get on the out-of-province mailing list. --April 1997 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES / NUNAVUT NWT adoption services are provided by the Dept. of Health and Social Services (Box 1320, Yellowknife X1A 2P4) and adoption workers in the various Health and Social Services authorities. Contacts at DHSS are: YUKON Y1A 2C6. Ms. Rita Morgan, Senior Social Worker, Placement and Support Services, Department of Health and Human Resources, Box 2703, H - 10, Suite 201, Royal Bank Building, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. 403-667-3002. Adoption support group.
United States North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC), 970 Raymond Ave., #106, St. Paul MN 55114-1149, 651-644-3036, fax 644-9848,, U.S.-based organization with board members in Canada. Web site covers the adoption process, articles and materials about post-adoption services, resources for adoptive family recruiters, conference materials, and the National Adoption Awareness Month Guide. Database of parent support groups in U.S. and Canada. Bulletin board for recruitment and retention messages. What great event is your support group planning? Find out at Coming Events. |
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