Family connections: Joyce Hilborn and the Oxby, Jobber and Cole families
This book focusses on Joyce Hilborn (1922- ) of Niagara Falls, Ontario and her immediate ancestors, the families Hilborn, Jobber, Cole and Oxby.
Author Robin Hilborn decided that since his mother had celebrated her 99th birthday on March 13, 2021, it was about time for a book about her event-filled life. He found the writing was helped greatly by “Childhood Memories”, the 38,000-word account by Joyce’s younger sister Mavis Dodd of their life in England up to 1937. Researcher Clare Oxby provided her history of the Oxby family. (Joyce’s mother was an Oxby, her father a Jobber.)
Robin added a series of articles from Hilborn Family Journal, the newsletter he published in Montreal from 1978 to 1986stories of homesteading in Saskatchewan; serving at Naval Headquarters, Plymouth, in World War II; and life in Canada after marrying Roy Hilborn.
Many photographs come from the album started by Joyce’s mother, Lilian Oxbyfrom a turn-of-the-century church outing, through Lilian’s years in college, teaching in Weston-on-the-Green, meeting Thomas Jobber, to a post-war holiday in Wales. Hilborn family photos run right up to Sept. 15, 2021.
For a quick overview of the book, see the Contents list. Or you can read the complete Preface.
Joyce Hilborn is softcover, 120 pages and $40 (plus $8 postage), from Robin Hilborn at helper@familyhelper.net. It includes a complete index.
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About the author
A retired information officer for the federal government in Montreal and Quebec City, writer and editor Robin Hilborn has lived in Southampton, Ont. since 1999. He is a director of the Bruce County Historical Society and volunteers at the Bruce County Archives. He started researching Southampton history in support of the 150th anniversary celebrations in 2008 and was first vice-president of the 150th anniversary committee. Robin has written a number of books and articles on local history (see below). He lives in Southampton with his wife Heather Wallace.
Other works by Robin Hilborn
Hilborn Family Journal (newsletter, 1978-1986)
Family Helper (magazine, 1990-2008)
Southampton Vignettes: A brief history of a Lake Huron town (2010)
Hardly Calm: Extreme weather in Bruce County (2011)
Heart of the Great Lakes: Lake Huron and the Saugeen to 1850 (2015)
The Bruce (2018)
Hilborn's Guide to Old Southampton (2019)
Joyce Hilborn and the Oxby, Jobber and Cole families (2021)