Family Helper > Adoption > Vietnam

We Adopted
From Vietnam
... You Can, Too!

Four families tell how they did it

By Robin Hilborn

First edition, 1999
$12 / ISBN 0-9691868-4-3

The personal experiences of Dorinda Cavanaugh, Karen Couture, Anneke Jonker and Jamie Phillips, who adopted in Vietnam -- the agencies they used; the cost and time; the children they brought home.

Adoption agencies in Canada specializing in Vietnam
Travel clinic gives medical tips for Vietnam
Web sites and mailing list with latest information on Vietnam
Best books on Vietnam adoption
Vietnamese adoption officials visit Canada

Adopting in Colombia, by Sue Cordes
Adopting in Guatemala, by Teresa Hern
Adopting in Romania, by Anne Lecours
"Try to meet the birth family abroad", by Leceta Guibault
Questions to ask when evaluating countries to adopt from
A choice selection of good books on adoption
1998 International Adoption Statistics for Canada, by country and by province

How to order We Adopted From Vietnam ... You Can, Too!

If you are thinking of adopting from Vietnam, this account of four successful adoptions will give you confidence. (See below for an excerpt.) Descriptions of the adoption agencies will help in decision-making. For background information, there is a complete list of books and web sites.

To order one copy, fill in this form and tuck in an envelope with your cheque. Send to: Box 1353, Southampton, Ont. N0H 2L0 Canada.

Please send me one copy of We Adopted From Vietnam ... You Can, Too! I enclose a $12 cheque to "Robin Hilborn".
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Price in Canada is Can$12. In the U.S., US$12. Elsewhere, US$18.
Robin Hilborn is publisher of the Adoption Helper series.

We Adopted From Vietnam is also available (No. 32) through the Adoption Helper series, at a discount ($9). To subscribe to the series (four editions for $36), see Adoption Helper, and choose the four editions you would like to order.


Why we chose Vietnam
By Karen Couture

If you are trying to decide on a country, you might consider Vietnam as a possibility. The cost is less and there are babies and children of all ages available for adoption. The children are generally healthy and well loved. The reason they are available for adoption is the extreme poverty there, lack of birth control and the stigma attached to pregnancy outside marriage.

We initially were looking at China but wanted a baby as young as possible. We already had biological children from previous marriages and the likelihood of a baby from China was not that great.

We also chose Vietnam because we are getting on, age-wise, and many countries are closed to us for adoption. And being children of the 60s we felt some link with that country because of the Vietnam War.

We saw pictures of Vietnamese babies and children available for adoption at an adoption seminar. That got us started on the long road to Hanoi, where on June 16, 1998 we adopted Marc. (He was born May 1, 1998.)

I say "long road" because it took one year and three referrals -- one was lost because the province there was closed for adoptions and one was lost because the biological father claimed the baby.

The agency we ended up using after trying to use an independent facilitator was Orphans Overseas in Portland, Oregon. We were very pleased with their efficiency and the personal attention we received both here and in Vietnam. We looked after the immigration arrangements ourselves and ran into a snag with the Immigration people when we went to Singapore after Hanoi. However, it worked out in the end and Marc and I landed in Toronto on July 4, 1998 after Jean went home first to work out the snag with the immigration people in Mississauga, Ont. Other Canadians who have adopted there since have not experienced our problems as the procedure seems to have been improved since then ...

[Karen Couture goes on to describe her son ... ]

Infertility Adoption Adoption Resource Central Post-adoption Family Tree
Contact: Robin Hilborn,
Box 1353, Southampton, Ont. N0H 2L0 Canada
Copyright 2006 Robin Hilborn. All rights reserved
Updated   Apr. 7, 2004

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