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NEWS RELEASE          For release June 25, 2008

Huge parade down High Street

Southampton, Ont., June 25, 2008 -- Saturday morning, Aug. 16, 2008, will be unforgettable as High Street fills with a massive parade on the theme of "Then and Now -- reflecting our 150 years of history, looking at the present and into the future."

There will be marching bands and 42 floats in the "parade to remember". Organizer Bob Cartwright and his volunteers have lined up "six marching bands, including our community band led by Kent Boys, floats, horse-drawn carriages, decorated bicycles, and antique cars and trucks. The parade will finish with the 70-strong Preston Scout House Band."

The contingent of 42 floats includes local service clubs, fire, police, ambulance, mayors, teachers, council and Cham-Bettes, all with past and present members, in keeping with the theme of "Then and Now".

Floats will entertain everyone, young and old: there'll be horses, mules, old bikes, including a Penny Farthing, and newly decorated ones from the Bicycle Decorating Contest. The parade will have a good variety of antique (Then) and muscle cars (Now).

The 150th Anniversary Parade kicks off at 10:15 am at the corner of High and Grenville Streets. It heads west on High Street, turns south at Grosvenor, then east along Palmerston, ending at Victoria Street. The Fire Department will have new and old fire trucks parked outside the fire station, where the parade ends.

Six bands will provide a variety of music and marching styles:
Fergus Brass Band
Fergus Pipe Band
Kincardine Brass Band
Owen Sound & District Pipes & Drums
Preston Scout House Alumni Band
Southampton's G.C. Huston Community Band

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For more: Bob Cartwright, 519-797-5510,



  For all news releases, see

 2008 marks 150 years since Southampton was incorporated as a village on July 24, 1858. Celebrations culminate in the 150th Anniversary Weekend, Aug. 14-17, 2008. For more about Southampton's 150th Anniversary, see

  To see all 150th anniversary events, pick up the Events Flyer at the Chamber of Commerce and at various locations around Southampton, or visit

  The Southampton, Then and Now calendar is available at selected locations, listed at

 See the summary of 150 years of Southampton history (1816 to 1993) at


The Southampton 150th Anniversary Committee is composed of volunteers and is a sub-committee of the Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce. As a steering committee, it plans events and works closely with local groups and businesses, which run their own 150th anniversary events along with their regular programming.

Southampton 150th   Southampton 150th Anniversary
Box 1133, Southampton ON N0H 2L0
Enquiries: Brenda Barringer, 519-797-2215,
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since June 25, 2008

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